Rafga o'rnatilgan inverter 24v inverter DC TO AC 115V 1000w -2400w sof sinus to'lqinli inverter
Ko'proq rasmlarni ko'ring

nverter power supply This product adopts advanced SPWM and CPU control technology, aniq nazorat va chiqish Kirish va chiqish izolyatsiyasi bilan, output soft start, safe and efficient, and good reliability. Considering the size of the installation space, the need for automation and networking of inverter management in the IT era, as well as the impact of noise on the staff in the office or computer room, the inverter is specially designed and produced.

  • 24/115V-1KVA
  • 24/115V-2KVA
  • 24/115V-3KVA

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Rafga o'rnatilgan inverter 24v inverter DC TO AC 115V 1000w -2400w sof sinus to'lqinli inverter

Inverter power supply This product adopts advanced SPWM and CPU control technology, aniq nazorat va chiqish Kirish va chiqish izolyatsiyasi bilan, output soft start, safe and efficient, and good reliability. Considering the size of the installation space, the need for automation and networking of inverter management in the IT era, as well as the impact of noise on the staff in the office or computer room, the inverter is specially designed and produced.

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Inverter quvvat manbai
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  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Bugun
    Xabaringizni olganimdan xursandman, va bu sizga Kristinning javobi