It uses a novel design structure that helps users to provide clean, stable and durable AC power for critical loads, and has the same high reliability as the DC power supply system. The design characteristics of the dedicated communication 2400W pure sine wave inverter ensure the seamless conversion between the AC and DC power supply, almost no conversion delay, and no need to use the static switch.

If you have some problems about Single-phase Bwitt 48v to AC220v 1000w pure sine wave inverter 1000w inverter with snmp, yoki Rack mount Telecom Inverter haqida batafsil ma'lumot olishni xohlaysiz,Telekom rektifikator tizimi,Uy sof sinus to'lqinli invertor,Quyosh MPPT INVERTER,DC dan shaharga o'tkazgich, va boshqalar. Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun xush kelibsiz!
Sizning so'rovingizni kutmoqdamiz !