Aloqa quvvat inverterining asosiy tushunchasi
Aloqa quvvat inverterining asosiy tushunchasi

Aloqa tizimining asosiy qismlaridan biri sifatida, aloqa quvvat inverteri aloqa muhandisligida misli ko'rilmagan muhim mavqega ega. U keng tarkibni o'z ichiga oladi, including not only commonly used switching power supplies, UPS power supplies, communication batteries and diesel generator sets, but also green communication power supplies such as solar cells. The core of the communication power inverter is basically the same, which is based on power electronics. Through the stable control loop design, coupled with the necessary external monitoring, the most red realization of energy conversion and process monitoring. Modern communication equipment needs a stable and reliable power inverter to provide power.

The safety and reliability of the power supply is an important condition to ensure the normal operation of the communication system.

Javob qoldiring

Sizning elektron pochta manzilingiz nashr etilmaydi. Majburiy maydonlar belgilangan *

Kristin bilan suhbat
allaqachon 1902 xabarlar

  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Bugun
    Xabaringizni olganimdan xursandman, va bu sizga Kristinning javobi